Marketing | April 25, 2024

9 Sales Popup Apps to Skyrocket Sales & Conversions

Curt VanderWall

You know what’s annoying?

Loud, Irritating popup ads that make you want to chuck your laptop out the window.

Those terribly designed popups ruin the online shopping journey.

But you also know what’s effective?

Strategic sales popups that are thoughtfully crafted to increase sales and conversions.

I’m talking about smart exit-intent popups, cart abandonment popups, and other sleek overlays that help recover lost sales.

That’s what we’ll cover today – the premier sales popup apps to supercharge e-commerce conversions in 2024 without frustrating your customers.

Let’s dive in:

Quick Summary:

“The article highlights the effectiveness of strategic sales popups in boosting e-commerce conversions by leveraging psychological principles like scarcity and urgency. It stresses the importance of using popups thoughtfully to avoid annoying customers. The article then provides an overview of the top 9 sales popup apps to consider in 2024 to increase conversions intelligently.”

Quick Sales Popup Apps Overview:

  1. Wisernotify – Social proof popups for building credibility;
  2. Justuno – AI-powered popup personalization;
  3. OptiMonk – Best for onsite retargeting campaigns;
  4. Sleeknote – Powerful e-commerce popup segmentation;
  5. Wisepops – Smart cross-selling popups;
  6. Privy – All-in-one popup solution;
  7. Wheelio – Gamified spin-to-win popup campaigns;
  8. OptinMonster – Lead capture popups;
  9. Getsitecontrol – Maximum popup flexibility.

List of 9 Best Sales Popup Apps

First off, why are sales popups so damm powerful?

Because they leverage two psychological principles that influence conversions: Scarcity and urgency

Well-designed sales popups create a bit of scarcity (“limited stock!”) and urgency (“offer expires soon!”), which encourages customers to take action.

Pretty neat, right?

But the key is to use popups wisely – not to annoy the heck out of people.

That’s why I’m only recommending the top 9 most thoughtful and high-converting sales popup apps.

No spammy trash is allowed here.

So, without further ado, let’s look at the first app…


WisernotifySocial Proof Popups to Build Credibility.

Here’s a quick test:

Would you feel more motivated to buy a product with 3,000+ reviews and glowing testimonials?

Or one with zero social proof?

The answer is obvious. We all crave that credibility and social proof when making a purchase.

Wisernotify makes it incredibly easy to display this powerful social proof in your popups, like:

  • Recent sales notifications (“Someone in Miami just bought…”);
  • Customer review streams for your hottest products;
  • Live visitor count popups to create FOMO;
  • Real-time trust badges for added credibility.

…and more!

It requires almost zero design work as Wisernotify automatically generates these popups based on your store data.

No special skills are required.

Plans start at $16/month for the starter package. For creating social validation at a low cost,

Wisernotify is an e-commerce no-brainer.

JustunoJustunoFor AI-Powered Popup Customization, Justuno is a premium popup solution that uses machine learning to customize every campaign.

Its AI analyzes your customer data and traffic sources to display the perfect popup….at the perfect time.

For example, mobile visitors may see a popup offering free shipping to reduce abandonments.

While desktop visitors get an exit popup with a special discount code.

This level of personalization allows you to maximize relevance and conversion rates.

The platform also includes advanced targeting rules so you can segment campaigns even further.

Like displaying a popup only for first-time visitors from Facebook ads.

Justuno offers an extensive template library, A/B testing capabilities, and detailed analytics reports.

The Plans start at $29/month for basic functionality.

But if personalized popups are your top priority, Justuno delivers.

OptiMonkOptiMonkBest for Onsite Retargeting Campaigns, OptiMonk shines at onsite retargeting through intelligent popup sequences.

This helps you re-engage bounced traffic and recover abandoned carts.

For example, let’s say a visitor browses your products but doesn’t purchase them.

You can set up an automated popup flow.

First, show an exit popup offering a special discount to prevent abandonment If the visitor leaves anyway, retarget them with an engaging Facebook ad and popup when they return

Finally, hit them with a limited-time countdown popup to drive the conversion.

These kinds of strategic, multi-step campaigns are where OptiMonk excels. The popup editor is easy to use and supports countdown timers, animations, options, and other conversion elements.

Pricing starts at $39/month. So, if maximizing onsite retargeting is the goal, OptiMonk is a cost-effective choice.

SleeknoteSleeknotePowerful E-commerce Popup Segmentation Sleeknote is a European-based app that makes granular traffic segmentation a breeze.

It integrates seamlessly with all the major e-commerce platforms.

The segmentation engine allows you to laser-target popups based on:

  • Traffic source (organic, paid, social media, etc.);
  • Device and browser;
  • Location and language;
  • Shopping behavior and cart value.

…and pretty much any other criteria you can think of.

This level of advanced segmentation prevents annoying popups and ensures each visitor sees a relevant campaign.

For example, you could create a special offer popup just for visitors coming from Facebook ads on mobile devices.

Sleeknote also has awesome design capabilities and a full CSS editor. Plans for essential functionality start at $67/month.

WisepopsWisepopsBest for Smart Cross-Selling Wisepops goes beyond simple popups by enabling intelligent cross-selling and upselling campaigns.

Its product recommendation engine analyzes customer data to display the most relevant products in your popups.

For example, an apparel store could show customers additional items frequently bought together in a cart popup. Or promote accessories for that big-ticket item they’re considering.

By boosting average order value, you’ll quickly make up for Wisepops’ premium $53/month pricing.

It also has strong personalization capabilities for displaying relevant popups based on customer behavior, traffic source, and other smart segments.

If cross-selling is a priority, Wisepops is a powerful sales companion for Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, and more.

Many online retailers face the challenge of abandoned shopping carts. Yet, a few forward-thinking businesses have identified an impactful strategy: shipping to reduce abandonments. You may question the effectiveness of this approach.

It’s quite simple: a significant reason customers do not complete their purchases is their reluctance to wait extended periods for their products. Therefore, upgrading the shipping process can be a powerful motivator to retain these customers.

PrivyPrivyBest All-In-One Popup Solution Privy tops the list as the most comprehensive and user-friendly popup app for e-commerce stores. It’s jam-packed with features yet incredibly easy to use.

Privy’s popup templates cover every vital use case:

  • Exit-intent popups to reduce abandonment;
  • Welcome popups to capture emails;
  • Cart abandonment popups for recovering sales;
  • Spin-to-win gamified popups for engagement.

And a ton more options

The drag-and-drop editor makes it simple to design beautiful popups that match your brand.

You can even add countdown timers, product recommendation bars, and mobile-optimized displays to maximize conversions.

With plans starting at just $30/month, it’s perfect for growing e-commerce brands.

Overall, Privy is the total package for top-notch sales popups.

WheelioWheelioGamified Spin-to-Win Popup Campaigns Let’s be honest: Popups offering the same old discounts and lead magnets get old quickly.

Sometimes, you need a fresh approach to grab attention and boost engagement.

That’s where Wheelio comes in with awesome gamified spin-to-win popups.

Visitors spin a wheel to reveal a random offer or coupon.

The excitement and curiosity build anticipation, making customers more likely to actually claim that offer.

Wheelio popups also integrate social sharing capabilities like sweepstakes and viral refer-a-friend campaigns. Pretty neat!

You can fully customize your wheels and offers to match your branding. While integrating with your ESP to capture leads.

Pricing is affordable too, starting at just $14.92/month. So, if you want to spice up your popups with gamification and rewards, give Wheelio a spin.

OptinMonsterOptinMonsterFor Massive Lead Capture Potential, OptinMonster takes lead capture and email marketing very seriously.

And they make it incredibly easy to build and integrate popups to rapidly grow your email list.

Using their ‘Monster Leads’ feature, you can create things like:

  • Content locker popups that require an email opt-in;
  • Two-step confirmation option popups to prevent abuse.

OptinMonster also has full webinar integrations, so you can automate webinar registration and reminder popups.

Their analytics suite tracks opt-in rates, lead sources, A/B test results, and revenue generated from each campaign. Pretty cool.

If your goal is strictly to capture more emails and leads through popups, OptinMonster is an affordable solution starting at $9/month.

GetsitecontrolGetsitecontrolFor Maximum Popup Flexibility Last but not least, Getsitecontrol takes adaptability to a whole new level when it comes to popups and website messengers.

Their builder supports every type of popup use case, including:

  • Banners and bars;
  • Notification bubbles;
  • Scroll boxes;
  • Modals and overlays;
  • Chatbots and messengers;
  • Proactive communication windows.

…you get the idea!

You can create multi-step flows, add animations, target with precision, and even build custom forms. The possibilities are endless.

Getsitecontrol has robust integration too, connecting popups with Live Chat, HubSpot, Klaviyo, SMS messaging, and more.

While not an ecommerce-specific solution, Getsitecontrol’s adaptability makes it ideal for unique popup needs. Plans start at $9/month.


There you have it – 9 of the most powerful sales popup apps for boosting e-commerce sales and conversions in 2024.

But remember the golden rule:

Don’t let overly aggressive, spammy popups ruin the shopping experience for your customers.

When used wisely, sales popups leverage psychological principles like urgency and scarcity to drive action.

However, relentless popups just irritate people and drive them away.

So be thoughtful. Prioritize relevance, personalization, and respect for the user experience.

Do that by choosing one of these top-rated apps crafted with conversion intelligence in mind.

Any of them will give you a definite conversion-boosting advantage over e-commerce stores abusing old-school pop-up practices.

Now, go forth and pop up your way to a more profitable year in 2024!


Author Bio: Krunal Vaghasiya is the founder of Wisernotify. A marketing tech expert who boosts e-commerce conversion rates with automated social proof and FOMO strategies. He loves posting insightful posts on online marketing software, marketing automation, and improving conversion rates.

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